Testing and Tagging

Testing and Tagging Electrical Equipment

The regulator for electrical and gas safety Energy Safe Victoria has not placed any specific regulations on testing and tagging electrical equipment.

The Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004) states that employers have a legal liability to provide a safe working environment without risks to employees’ health. This means identifying any dangers related to electrical equipment in the workplace.

Worksafe Victoria

Worksafe Victoria, advises that all electrical testing and tagging for all portable non-hard wired appliances, leads and power boards are carried out to uphold the employer’s duty of care under Section 21(2)(a) of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Worksafe Victoria is now,

“Actively enforcing the standard and inspecting all types of premises to confirm the introduction of minimum safety testing programs consistent with AS3760.”

This standard applies to all types of electrical appliances including leads and power boards (computers, toasters, microwaves, kettles, tools and even mobile phone charges) in office spaces, factories and the like.

The AS/NZS3760 In-Service Safety Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment is recognised Australia wide as the minimum safety obligation for the workplace.

If you need more information on how you can protect your equipment with our testing and tagging service, call us today on 03 9646 1239 for a no-obligation FREE quote or book online. 


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